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Adding Team Members and Managing Permissions

Last updated on August 07, 2023

1. How do I add team members to my account?

To add team members to your account, log in to your account dashboard and navigate to the "Teams" section. Look for the option to "Add Member". " Enter the team member's email address and select the appropriate permissions for their role.

2. What are the different permission levels available for team members?

There are three main permission levels for team members:

Create: Team members with "Create" permissions can generate short links, create splash pages, overlay, and campaigns. This level of access allows them to initiate new marketing initiatives and projects.

Edit: Team members with "Edit" permissions can modify existing links, splash pages, overlay, and campaigns. They have the ability to update and optimize existing content and campaigns.

Delete: Team members with "Delete" permissions can remove links, splash pages, overlay, and campaigns from the account. This level of access grants them the ability to manage and clean up outdated or unused content.

3. How can I assign specific permissions to team members?

When inviting a team member to your account, the invitation process will typically include a section where you can specify their permissions. You can usually select from a dropdown menu or checkmark the relevant permissions (e.g., Create, Edit, Delete) that you wish to grant to the team member. Make sure to choose the permissions that align with their roles and responsibilities.

4. Can I change a team member's permissions after inviting them?

Yes, as the account owner or administrator, you can adjust a team member's permissions at any time. If you need to modify their access level, navigate to the "Teams" section in your dashboard. Locate the team member you wish to update, and then change their permissions to reflect the appropriate level of access.

5. How can I ensure the security of my account while adding team members?

To maintain account security, follow these best practices:

  • Only invite team members you trust and who are directly involved in managing your marketing efforts.
  • Regularly review and audit the list of team members to ensure there are no unauthorized users.
  • Encourage team members to use strong, unique passwords and enable two-factor authentication when available.

6. Can I add team members with different roles to different projects or campaigns?

Yes, many link management platforms allow you to assign specific permissions to team members on a per-project or per-campaign basis. This granular control ensures that team members have access only to the resources they need to work on, promoting efficiency and maintaining data security.

7. What happens when I remove a team member from the account?

When you remove a team member from your account, their access to the account and all associated links, campaigns, and data will be revoked. They will no longer be able to log in or perform any actions within the account.

By following these guidelines and utilizing the appropriate permissions, you can effectively collaborate with your team, delegate tasks, and manage your link management projects efficiently and securely.



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